Wentworth Miller Addiction
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Message par colleen1 Ven 29 Aoû 2008 - 11:41

comme carine, la dernière girlaffraid girlaffraid girlaffraid

:merci sabine et bonne fête à toi !! hourra :bisous
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2007

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Message par reaped Ven 29 Aoû 2008 - 12:14

10 questions à WM Wink

Labels: C-note, Interview, Lincoln, Michael, paul adelstein, Sarah Wayne Callies, Wentworth Miller

1. Was Michael’s reunion with Sara everything you hoped it would be?
Absolutely. I was just happy to see Sara back. I really felt her absence Season Three. I felt that her return was important not only to my character, but also to the show in general. What can I say; the fans have spoken. Sara returns.

2. At what point did you realize that Sarah Wayne Callies might be coming back?
I think it was at some point during the strike that I started hearing rumors that Sarah was returning, that the fans were organizing write-ins and petitions and I think that’s emblematic of where we are in terms of television and the media. It’s very much a back and forth conversation between the fans and the writers, between the writers and the powers that be. Their opinions, especially when expressed online or via correspondence, are important and are taken into consideration.

3. Obviously reattaching someone’s head is a bit of a tall order. What can you tell us about how this comes off in the first couple of episodes?
I think that we address it as plausibly as possible. It helps that the show is kind of fantastic and I feel like we’ve gotten away with worse. But at the same time, we do provide an explanation and we don’t tease the audience. It’s not a flash of Sara’s ponytail disappearing down an ally for the first episodes, everyone wondering when she’ll actually make a face-to-face with Michael. She’s back first episode. Michael and Sara reunited, and then the gang hits the ground running because there’s work to do.

4. This is the fourth season and each of the seasons, the show has pretty much rebooted its premise to some degree. For you as an actor, what are sort of the advantages and disadvantages of doing a show that from one season to the next can be something completely different?
Well, it keeps it interesting. First and foremost, most other TV shows are in the habit of figuring out their winning formula and then beating it into the ground whereas we take what we already know works and toss it out the window at the start of every season, which I think is very bold and ambitious and it certainly provides a new playground for the actors.

That said, I’ve been more comfortable with some seasons than others. My favorites so far has been one and three because I actually think that my character works best behind bars with very real, physical, deadly obstacles to surmount whereas second season was a total change of pace and a real downshift for me and was one of my least favorite seasons because it felt as though my character was literally and figuratively riding shotgun, much more reactive than active. That can be frustrating.

But like I said, it’s most important for a show that’s running 67 episodes at this point to keep it as fresh and as exciting for the actors as possible.

5. At the end of the day, do you think it’s possible for Michael to be happy and do you feel that he’s worthy of redemption?
That’s a very good question. I think the interesting wrinkle that Sara’s return signifies is when Michael thought she was dead he crossed certain lines that he might not otherwise have crossed. At the end of Season Three, he was actively involved in arranging the death of another inmate, the henchman, who was killed in the cave in that Michael manipulated. So when Sara suddenly reappears, Michael is a very much changed man, perhaps one that she doesn’t recognize, perhaps one that’s not really worthy of the relationship that she has to offer.

I think that Michael is still a good man. But at this point, I think it would take something quite extreme for him to really even the score because in order for his brother to go free, so many people have died in the process and I think that weighs terribly on Michael’s conscience. Once this experience is over, once say they successfully destroy the conspiracy, there is no returning to his white collar existence as a structural engineer. I mean I think the only thing that Michael is kind of fit for at this point is as a hired gun, which actually dovetails quite nicely with the directions he takes.

6. What personality trait do you like most about Michael?
His sense of loyalty, that it’s always about others. What I told the writers at the start of Season Three was please do not make this about Michael fighting to survive because Michael’s not particularly interested in his own survival. Michael is interested in self sacrifice. I think Michael has a touch of the martyr about him and he’s only motivated to act and act aggressively when other people’s lives are on the lines, when those that he loves have guns to their heads.

7. I was wondering how the relationship between Lincoln and Michael evolved this season.
That’s a great question. I think there’s been a lot of push-pull between these characters, a lot of swinging of the pendulum where the little brother is suddenly the big brother and the big brother is suddenly the little brother, so on and so forth.

I think this season is about kind of settling their mutual debts. At the top of the season, we see Lincoln in Panama. He has a potential love interest. He’s reunited with his son for the first time. It’s possible that he can make a life for himself, but he knows that his brother, who sacrificed everything so that Lincoln could go free, Season One, is back in the States on this revenge quest. I think out of allegiance and a sense of indebtedness, Lincoln follows his brother to the States so that they can stand together and take on the conspiracy. But I think when all is said and done the brothers will be able to part as equals.

8. Now that Sara is returning, I was just wondering is there a chance that we’ll see C-Note coming back again.
C-Note, the one character in PRISON BREAK who got a happy ending. I wouldn’t be surprised. I wouldn’t be surprised. We do love the unexpected twist and turns on this show and I think Rodman would be a great addition. I always thought that his contribution to the show was a very cool one.

9. You’ve had a lot of characters come and go. If you could bring back one character, who would it be and why?
I think I’d bring back Paul Adelstein. I thought he was a fantastic Agent Kellerman and I thought was symbolic of the kind of character that the show does best, which is someone living within the shades of gray. Not entirely black, not entirely white, not entirely good, not entirely evil, but someone who is complicated as we all are in real live. I think Paul really did a beautiful job of defining a character who could be vicious one minute and entirely sympathetic the next. He’s very much missed.

10. Your role is consistently so intense. How do you balance that out like on your hiatus or your other jobs outside of PRISON BREAK? Are you always looking for something lighter, or is this kind of what you love doing?
I have loved doing it. I think once PRISON BREAK comes to an end, I’m not going to jump into the next Bourne Supremacy franchise, and I should be so lucky actually. It is important to kind of balance out the intensity of the work that we do with some humor and we try to keep the mood on the set as light as possible. I’ve also become a big fan of the Family Guy and American Dad, Reno 911, The Office, the British version and the American version just because at the end of the day, after shooting all these scenes where I literally have a gun pointed at my head, it’s important to come home and unwind with something that is the polar opposite of where you’ve just come from.

As far as projects post-PRISON BREAK, I’d love to be involved in like a romantic comedy or something, really change it up if possible.

Source : spoiler tv

Soyez patiente les filles, Anne est toute seule à traduire et il y en a déjà une tonne à traduire smack
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par lilite Ven 29 Aoû 2008 - 15:49

Merci Elise

et merci les minettes d'avoir pensé à ma fête cool
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 59
Localisation : région parisienne
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007

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Message par lilite Dim 31 Aoû 2008 - 9:45

Wentworth Miller and Sarah Wayne Callies Interview Part 2

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 59
Localisation : région parisienne
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007

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Message par FallingStar Dim 31 Aoû 2008 - 10:06

Rhooo m@ Chéwie, je l'attendais avec impatience, cette Part II !!!


Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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Message par lilite Dim 31 Aoû 2008 - 10:16

mais de rien ma Val, allez encore une p'tiote Wink

Prison Break season 4 T-bag sneak peek + interview

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 59
Localisation : région parisienne
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007

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Message par colleen1 Dim 31 Aoû 2008 - 10:17

:merci sabine !!! :bisous

Y a une partie 3 à venir ??? crazy
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2007

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Message par FallingStar Dim 31 Aoû 2008 - 11:27

Nan Fofie car à la fin, l'interviewer les remercie...
Merci à nouveau, m@ Sabine, décidément, tu fais fort ce matin ! calin

Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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Message par colleen1 Dim 31 Aoû 2008 - 13:32

FallingStar a écrit:[size=12]Nan Fofie car à la fin, l'interviewer les remercie...

ça prouve bien que je suis une quiche en anglais ça ... :hum4: J'ai rien capté moi ! rolling eyes

:merci val ! :bisous
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2007

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Message par lilite Dim 31 Aoû 2008 - 20:17

je ne sais plus si celle-ci a été postée ?

Michael, Sarah, T-bag and Licoln about season 4

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 59
Localisation : région parisienne
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007

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Message par reaped Lun 1 Sep 2008 - 17:58

:merci ma Lillin pour toutes ces nouvelles vid !!
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par lilin Lun 1 Sep 2008 - 20:31

c'est lilite qu'a posté la vid, moi j'ai plus le temps de chercher comme avant depuis que j'ai repris un plein temps.

alors tous les honneurs pour lilite, bisous
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 48
Localisation : bretagne ou sur les traces de Went
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2006

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Message par Invité Lun 1 Sep 2008 - 21:01

j'ai rattrapé mes retards sur les vidéos, j'en avais vu la plupart mais pas toutes

:merci aux dinguottes qui les ont postées!


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Saison 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par Invité Lun 1 Sep 2008 - 21:25

merci pour tout les filles!!! copine
hate de voir le tout premier épisode de cette saison... naughty


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Message par reaped Mar 2 Sep 2008 - 5:00

taper taper
Honte à moi !!!
Pardon ma Lilite :ahla
Merci ma belle pour la vid Wink
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par Invité Mer 3 Sep 2008 - 9:39

IT de Went concernant cette 4ème saison :

The actor talks about the upcoming fourth season of this hit Fox series.

Wentworth Miller is ready to make another break... a Prison Break, that is, when the fourth season of the popular Fox series returns to the airwaves on Monday, September 1 at 8 PM ET. I was in on a conference call with Miller and here's what he had to say about this exciting new season.

The big scene, the first scene where Michael reunites with Sara, was it everything you hoped it would be?

Wentworth Miller: Absolutely. I was just happy to see Sara back. I really felt her absence Season Three. I felt that her return was important not only to my character, but also to the show in general. What can I say; the fans have spoken. Sara returns.

There has actually been some talk lately that maybe the way the series will end; the producers have talked about where they want it to end, that it might end with Michael actually dying, almost like a Greek tragedy type of feel to it. Is that something you'd be comfortable with at the end of the day?

Wentworth Miller: Maybe, if it came to that. I think that there's definitely a price to be paid for this little adventure. Michael's hands are pretty fifthly at this point in the series. It's become harder and harder to tell the good guys from the bad guys and the question becomes, can there be any sort of redemption for Michael? What would that look like? What would that take? Perhaps laying down his life so that someone else can live might be one answer to that question.

This is the fourth season and each of the seasons, the show has pretty much rebooted its premise to some degree. For you as an actor, what are sort of the advantages and disadvantages of doing a show that from one season to the next can be something completely different?

Wentworth Miller: Well, it keeps it interesting. First and foremost, most other TV shows are in the habit of figuring out their winning formula and then beating it into the ground whereas we take what we already know works and toss it out the window at the start of every season, which I think is very bold and ambitious and it certainly provides a new playground for the actors. That said, I've been more comfortable with some seasons than others. My favorites so far has been one and three because I actually think that my character works best behind bars with very real, physical, deadly obstacles to surmount whereas second season was a total change of pace and a real downshift for me and was one of my least favorite seasons because it felt as though my character was literally and figuratively riding shotgun, much more reactive than active. That can be frustrating. But like I said, it's most important for a show that's running 67 episodes at this point to keep it as fresh and as exciting for the actors as possible.

What in this season brings out, I guess, the best in Michael's character?

Wentworth Miller: It's finally time to take on the puppet master. I think at this point, we've battled may serious advisories - Gretchen B., Agent Kellerman, etc., etc. Michael in Season Two had that great face-to-face with the president of the United States and you really thought that this was going to be the end of the journey. It turns out someone else was pulling the strings. In many ways, they had to go back to square one. I think what the team realizes, Michael, Lincoln and Sara, etc., is that they can no longer flee. It's time to stand and fight. It's time to take on the puppet master and really put this whole conspiracy thing to bed if possible.

So, obviously, the Season Finale set up the whole scenario of Michael being on this great vengeance quest. At what point did you guys realize that Sarah Wayne might be coming back?

Wentworth Miller: I think it was at some point during the strike that I started hearing rumors that Sarah was returning, that the fans were organizing write-ins and petitions and I think that's emblematic of where we are in terms of television and the media. It's very much a back and forth conversation between the fans and the writers, between the writers and the powers that be. Their opinions, especially when expressed online or via correspondence, are important and are taken into consideration.


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Message par Invité Mer 3 Sep 2008 - 9:42

2ème partie

I think your writers are pretty fantastic, but obviously reattaching someone's head is a bit of a tall order. What can you tell us about how this comes off in the first couple of episodes?

Wentworth Miller: I think that we address it as plausibly as possible. It helps that the show is kind of fantastic and I feel like we've gotten away with worse. But at the same time, we do provide an explanation and we don't tease the audience. It's not a flash of Sara's ponytail disappearing down an ally for the first episodes, everyone wondering when she'll actually make a face-to-face with Michael. She's back first episode. Michael and Sara reunited, and then the gang hits the ground running because there's work to do.

So, are we ever going to see hints of the tattoo again?

Wentworth Miller: The tattoo is addressed pretty definitively in the very first episode. It's funny; it was a fan favorite the first season, but then Michael escaped - mission accomplished. Suddenly, it was just something that kind of had to be born rather than be something that could be used as a plot device. That resulted in me in Dallas in 120 degree heat wearing long sleeve shirts because we're still pretending that I actually have the damn thing on. I appreciated the tattoo and I think it's addressed in the first episode of Season Four as something that's kind of emblematic of Michael's experience, that this is an experience that has left its mark. It's not something that can be easily washed off and it speaks to the fact that Michael is now a changed man inside and out.

Your role is consistently so intense. How do you balance that out like on your hiatus or your other jobs outside of Prison Break? Are you always looking for something lighter, or is this kind of what you love doing?

Wentworth Miller: I have loved doing it. I think once Prison Break comes to an end, I'm not going to jump into the next Bourne Supremacy franchise, and I should be so lucky actually. It is important to kind of balance out the intensity of the work that we do with some humor and we try to keep the mood on the set as light as possible. I've also become a big fan of the Family Guy and American Dad!, Reno 911!, The Office, the British version and the American version just because at the end of the day, after shooting all these scenes where I literally have a gun pointed at my head, it's important to come home and unwind with something that is the polar opposite of where you've just come from. As far as projects post-Prison Break, I'd love to be involved in like a romantic comedy or something, really change it up if possible.

How is Michael Rapaport working out? I mean he seemed to really fit in from the first time you see him?

Wentworth Miller: Yes, Michael is great. I mean he oozes character. There's character to spare where he's concerned. His role is a pivotal one this season because he is upper boss, in effect; he is sympathetic and yet, there is supposed to be something a little bit off about him. That, of course, comes to a head, I think, later in the season. I think Michael pulls that off beautifully.

At the end of the day, do you think it's possible for Michael to be happy and do you feel that he's worthy of redemption?

Wentworth Miller: That's a very good question. I think the interesting wrinkle that Sara's return signifies is when Michael thought she was dead he crossed certain lines that he might not otherwise have crossed. At the end of Season Three, he was actively involved in arranging the death of another inmate, the henchman, who was killed in the cave in that Michael manipulated. So when Sara suddenly reappears, Michael is a very much changed man, perhaps one that she doesn't recognize, perhaps one that's not really worthy of the relationship that she has to offer. I think that Michael is still a good man. But at this point, I think it would take something quite extreme for him to really even the score because in order for his brother to go free, so many people have died in the process and I think that weighs terribly on Michael's conscience. Once this experience is over, once say they successfully destroy the conspiracy, there is no returning to his white collar existence as a structural engineer. I mean I think the only thing that Michael is kind of fit for at this point is as a hired gun, which actually dovetails quite nicely with the directions he takes.

What personality trait do you like most about Michael?

Wentworth Miller: His sense of loyalty, that it's always about others. What I told the writers at the start of Season Three was please do not make this about Michael fighting to survive because Michael's not particularly interested in his own survival. Michael is interested in self sacrifice. I think Michael has a touch of the martyr about him and he's only motivated to act and act aggressively when other people's lives are on the lines, when those that he loves have guns to their heads.

I noticed you said several times that you told the writers X and Y. I was wondering if they listen?

Wentworth Miller: At the end of the day, it is me in front of the camera, isn't it? I'm kidding. At this point, it's very much a collaborative effort between the writers and the actors. The writers have a lot to think about. This is a very complicated show. There are a lot of balls that they have to keep in the air. And I think we've come far enough and the writers trust us enough that the actors have become really the watchdogs so that when we get script, I consider it to be a really good blueprint and a place to start from. It's my job to kind of color in the lines as I see fit.

I was wondering how the relationship between Lincoln and Michael evolved this season?

Wentworth Miller: That's a great question. I think there's been a lot of push-pull between these characters, a lot of swinging of the pendulum where the little brother is suddenly the big brother and the big brother is suddenly the little brother, so on and so forth. I think this season is about kind of settling their mutual debts. At the top of the season, we see Lincoln in Panama. He has a potential love interest. He's reunited with his son for the first time. It's possible that he can make a life for himself, but he knows that his brother, who sacrificed everything so that Lincoln could go free, Season One, is back in the States on this revenge quest. I think out of allegiance and a sense of indebtedness, Lincoln follows his brother to the States so that they can stand together and take on the conspiracy. But I think when all is said and done the brothers will be able to part as equals.

Can you talk a little bit about the new characters this season? I think there are a few.

Wentworth Miller: Well, we have Michael Rapaport playing Agent Don Self, who the Charlie to our "Angels," if you will. Who else do we have? We have James Liao who plays a character named Roland who is part of our A-Team and we have Cress Williams who plays a character named Wyatt who is something of a deadly assassin, tracking down the bothers, Mahone and Sara. We see the return of some old favorites, Padman in particular, the General. This is someone with whom I have never worked, so you'll forgive me if I can't remember his name right now. But, the Padman/the General, who is the head of the company conspiracy, whom we've seen flashes of for the last couple of seasons; we'll be seeing a lot more him this time around. I dearly hope that he and Michael come face-to-face at some point.

I was just curious about Michael and Mahone's relationship going into Season Four. How is that going to change?

Wentworth Miller: Well, in a strange way, I feel like they kind of resolved their issues throughout the course of Season Three because they did in fact have to work together. Yes, Mahone is still the man who killed Michael's father. But in a way, I think Mahone is the latest in a series of surrogate fathers for Michael. The first season we had the character of Westmoreland. We also have the Warden and I think Mahone is a reflection, whether Michael realizes it or not, of what he could one day be. If he continues to walk down this very dark road, Michael might wind up very much the man that Mahone is today; someone who started out as a good man doing good things and then became a good man doing questionable things and then became a questionable man doing evil things.

Now that Sara is returning, I was just wondering is there a chance that we'll see C-Note coming back again.

Wentworth Miller: C-Note, the one character in Prison Break who got a happy ending. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. We do love the unexpected twist and turns on this show and I think Rodman would be a great addition. I always thought that his contribution to the show was a very cool one.

I was curious about the state of the other characters coming into the new season like Bellick and T-Bag and Sucray. Will they also end up in Los Angeles?

Wentworth Miller: Yes. We do have an assemblage of old friends and foes standing together to take on the company. I think if anything, that's what remains the same about Prison Break, season-in and season-out. We do change the playing field. But at its core, the show is about six or seven alpha dogs shoved in a cage, fighting together, at each other's throats, but still having to work together to achieve some common goal.

If you could bring back one character, who would it be and why?

Wentworth Miller: I think I'd bring back Paul Adelstein. I thought he was a fantastic Agent Kellerman and I thought was symbolic of the kind of character that the show does best, which is someone living within the shades of gray. Not entirely black, not entirely white, not entirely good, not entirely evil, but someone who is complicated as we all are in real live. I think Paul really did a beautiful job of defining a character who could be vicious one minute and entirely sympathetic the next. He's very much missed.

While shooting over the last four years, has it gotten easier to do this really intense character and then at the end of the day walk off the set and leave him behind, or is still difficult as day one?

Wentworth Miller: I never quite leave the character behind. I am a workaholic, have always been. I'm always thinking about the character, even when I'm not on set. So, it has become part of the air that I breathe. That said, I'm so used to his ways and his relationships with the other characters that I don't have to do the kind of homework that I once did. All I have to do is show up on set, stand in front of Robert Knepper and I get instinctively what Michael's relationship is with T-Bag because they have this great rich, fully flushed out history. Now that we've established all this beautiful mythology, we're really free to play.

I wanted to ask you; going back to day one with Paul, where in the universe of Prison Break are we at now? Did he see the fourth season playing out like this, or is a change from the mater plan or what?

Wentworth Miller: That's a very good question. I've heard so many variations on the show was conceived as six episodes or 22 episodes or one season or two seasons. I'm not sure what the real answer is, and I honestly can't say I'm totally sure what Paul Scheuring's involvement is at this point, but I think we've done a pretty good job of taking that initial concept and running with it.

Is there any talk, anything on the horizon saying, "Well, this is as far as we can take this?" Are you only at five years or beyond, or what?

Wentworth Miller: Well, it's not CSI. It's not Law & Order. It can't run forever. I do feel as though we may be on one of our final laps around the track. It is something that weighs on my mind from time-to-time. Telling a story correctly necessitates knowing when to end it. At this point in the series, Michael and Lincoln, between them, have intentionally or unintentionally killed so many people and yet, they're still running around with T-Bag. It's really a testament to Robert Knepper that his character has survived through four whole seasons, but the man is a maniac, a psychopath and a child killer and a rapist. And yet, he and the boys are still digging ditches together. Eventually, you have to wonder when is enough enough because it really makes my character look bad. These are the questions that I think eventually we have to answer or else suffer a fall off in terms of believability and quality.

It's funny; the last thing there about when you say believability always falls back to the old jump the shark idea. Do you think there's potential here for fans to say-- I mean after all, it's prison. It's either in prison or on the run and now, they're becoming this, as I think one questioner said earlier, this IMF-type unit. Are you walking a fine line with this season?

Wentworth Miller: I think we not only jumped the shark long ago, I think we're inventing new sharks. We're taking it to a whole new level. Fasten your seatbelts.

SOURCE via Tessa d'Exco

Transmis à la :traduc: en vous demandant de la patience Wink


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Message par reaped Jeu 4 Sep 2008 - 10:09

Allez les filles voila les premières traductions grâce à notre Ladiuvernuà
Encore merci à elle de nous faire toutes les traductions

est ce que la saison quatre sera la dernière de Prison Break ? pourquoi Michael et Sara ne sont-ils pas heureux ensemble ? Et qu’en est-il de Whistler, T-Bag, Mahone et du nouveau personnage de Michael Rapaport ? Zack Estrin le producteur de PB a été suffisamment gentil pour répondre a ces questions et plus…

La rumeur veut que la nouvelle saison de Prison Break ne reprenne pas où nous l’avons laissée

Exact. La grève [des auteurs] a écourté la saison trois. Donc tout ce qui devait se passer dans les neuf derniers épisodes l’année dernière est maintenant essentiellement condensé dans un premier épisode de deux heures. L’objectif de cet épisode de deux heures était de boucler [les histoires en cours], mais aussi de lancer une toute nouvelle saison quatre. Nous ne voulions pas nous enliser en devant répondre à de vieilles questions. Alors nous avons éliminé des choses que nous avions prévu pour les neufs épisodes, bouclé ce qui était important et lancé la nouvelle année. On a du tuer quelques uns des bébés, mais on va de l’avant.

c’est probablement pour le mieux
Je le crois aussi. Vous savez, cette saison est probablement notre plus grand défi jusqu’à présent, parce que elle est complètement différente de toutes les autres saisons. Les gars sont en prison, ils s’évadent et ensuite ils rentrent par la force. La seule chose plus difficile que l’évasion c’est l’effraction. Les gars sont comme les types les Douze Salopards. on les a mis ensemble pour une mission.

quand vous dites « les gars » de qui parlez vous exactement ?
Les gars que vous connaissez que vous aimez et que vous détestez se retrouveront de nouveau ensemble d’une certaine manière, forme ou façon. Pas tous sont ensemble au début, mais ils vont certainement l’être au fur et à mesure de la saison. Et, comme toujours, il y a des raisons [solides] pour les [réunir]. T-Bag (Robert Knepper) est toujours le plus difficile à justifier – parce que, vous savez, pourquoi garder ce type dans les parages?? – mais il finit par avoir une part très importante dans l’histoire. Je ne sais pas si vous vous rappelez que Whisler avait un livre dans la saison trois, un guide sur les oiseaux –

oui, il l’a fait tomber pendant l’évasion de Sona et T-Bag l’a trouvé
Exact. Et bien, on revient à la vieille école, avec le livre on raconte l’histoire à la manière de la saison un. Tout comme le tatouage de Michael était une [carte routière] la première année, le livre recèle les mystères de cette saison : énigmes, indices, puzzles. Nos garçons devront mettre la main sur ce livre pour pouvoir mener à bien leurs missions dans la saison quatre, comme vous avez dit, T-Bag a le livre. Comment ils le trouvent et ce qui se passe quand cela arrive devient partie intégrante de l’intrigue.

Donc ça c’est une vieille histoire que vous reprenez. Pourquoi ne pas nous dire ce qu’il en est vraiment de certains des autres peut être mauvais garçons? Whistler ?[b]
ça, ça reprend aussi. Évidemment Whistler (Chris Vance) était quelque peu mystérieux dans la saison trois, mais vous allez découvrir exactement ce qu’il tramait. Son véritable ordre du jour va être révélé, de même que la raison pour laquelle la Compagnie voulait le sortir de Sona. Et peut être avait-il son propre ordre du jour, peut être n’était-il pas seulement motivé par ce que la Compagnie voulait de lui.

[b]et qu’en est-il de Mahone ? à la fin de l’année dernière, on a découvert qu’il était impliqué dans la Compagnie aussi

Ce qui est cool avec Mahone (William Fichtner) c’est qu’il a toujours eu a cœur son propre intérêt. Pas de façon égoïste, mais juste pour ce qui a trait à sa famille, et pour se sortir d’affaire. Donc je pense que sa raison pour faire équipe avec ces gars est compliquée. On ne sait pas nécessairement ce qu’il mijotait à la fin de la saison dernière. Son implication avec eux ne veut pas nécessairement dire qu’il fait quelque chose de mal.

j’ai entendu dire que deux des personnages qui je suis plutôt certain(e) sont méprisables -- T-Bag et Gretchen (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe) – peut être vont faire équipe ?
Oui ! on espère gagner le prix pour « le duo le plus déjanté de la télévision”. Vous savez, ce sont probablement deux des personnages les plus cinglés à la télé et de les mettre ensemble sera très amusant, je crois. Et ce sera intéressant de voir exactement comment ils vont travailler ensemble.

Brillant. Donc, ce ne sera pas un chose d’un seul épisode ?
C’est une histoire qui va se développer au cours de la saison car au début, comme pour la plupart de nos saisons tout le monde est très éparpillé, avec ses propres priorités, mais lentement on découvre que toutes ces priorités finissent par s’entremêler. Les gens qui se détestent ont besoin les uns des autres, il y a des alliances malsaines. C’est une longue tradition dans Prison Break. Nous avons cette blague que Michael Scofield devra toujours haïr la personne avec qui il est côte à côte. La saga continue du, « damnation, je ne peux pas croire que je dois travailler avec cette personne écœurante ! »

en parlant de Michael, je dois poser des questions à propos de Sara (Sarah Wayne Callies) bien sur. Leur relation a été cette sorte d’amour non résolu au cours des saisons. Vont-ils finalement être ensemble cette année ?
Comme vous avez dit, leur relation a été bâtie sur l’impossibilité d’être ensemble. Et maintenant qu’ils ont la possibilité d’être ensemble, ça change beaucoup la dynamique. Mais nous avons tous cette obsession genre, omigod (en anglais dans le texte, ndt) ces deux là doivent être ensemble ! Donc, je peux vous dire qu’ils vont être ensemble, mais quand ça va arriver, vous allez vous rendre compte qu’ils ne se connaissent pas très bien. Une partie de ce qui a porté en avant cet amour était le mystère et, tout à coup, vous devez vous demander si la réalité est aussi bien que le rêve l’était.

Et parce qu’il n’y a pas réellement de prison cette année, beaucoup des thèmes sur lesquels nous jouons représentent d’autres sortes de contraintes. On essaye vraiment de créer beaucoup de prisons émotionnelles pour ces personnages. Pour ce qui est de Michael et Sara, seront-ils capables de sortir de ce qu’ils sont en train de passer ? Sara a traversé beaucoup pendant la période de temps où nous ne l’avons pas vue et ce qu’elle a du faire pour retrouver Michael est en quelque sorte un mystère cette saison. Vous savez, qu’a-t-elle du endurer ? qu’a-t-elle vu ? elle a ses propres démons cette saison, à l’opposé de Michael qui les a des saisons passées. Elle a ses propres secrets aussi. Vous pouvez les mettre tous les deux ensemble, mais il faut encore, en substance, qu’il se retrouvent.

ça à l’air pénible
Ouais, et il y a des choses à résoudre. Mais cette année, il y aura beaucoup plus de joies pour ces deux là qu’il n’y en a eu dans le passé, ce que les gens attendent à mon avis. Ils pourraient même sourire.

Si! Il pourrait y avoir des sourires croyez le ou non.

des moment comiques peut être
peut être un peu d’humour grinçant, peut être un peu d’humour macabre. Une blague à la Ichabod Crane (personnage d’une nouvelle qui a à faire avec un chevalier sans tête, ndt) quelque part là dedans peut être. Mais je veux dire que c’est une relation fascinante et je ne crois pas que nous voulons faire la même erreur qu’avec David et Maddie [Clair de Lune]. Cette relation fonctionne à certains niveaux et pas à d’autres. Nous ne voulons pas les faire devenir le centre de l’attention. Elle a son propre lot de problèmes à résoudre.

passons aux nouveaux personnages, comment est-ce que Michael Rapaport s’intègre dans tout ça
Il travaille pour la Sécurité Nationale. Mettre ce groupe sur pieds est en fait son idée. Il a ses propres idées sur la Compagnie et comment elle est partout. Il réalise que vous ne savez jamais qui dans le gouvernement pourrait être impliqué avec elle, alors il ne peut pas impliquer le FBI ou la CIA dans l’espoir de la faire tomber. Il sait que Michael et Linc et [les autres prisonniers] se sont montrés capables, alors il leur donne les moyens nécessaires pour faire le boulot. Il dit, nous inventerons une couverture sur ce qui vous est arrive et ensuite nous ferons tomber ces fils de p…. il est en quelque sorte leur coordinateur pour cette saison, un allié qu’ils n’avaient pas. Dans toutes les autres saisons ils étaient tous seuls, donc c’est une chance pour eux d’avoir un allié avec des moyens et des ressources.

est-ce une relation amicale ? est-ce que les garçons aiment ce personnage ?
en fait c’est une relation intéressante parce qu’en quelque sorte il est leur patron, et il joue gros aussi, parce que ce qu’ils font est secret – personne ne doit savoir. Même les gens de la Sécurité Nationale ne sont pas au courant, alors lui aussi est en danger. Et si la Compagnie découvre ce qu’il trame, il aura des problèmes aussi. C’est un peu une relation mystérieuse. Et vous savez, dans Prison Break, les gars sont toujours en train de se demander en qui ils peuvent avoir confiance et en qui non.

dernière question : FOX fait la promotion de cette saison comme « La Confrontation Finale ». cela veut-il dire que vous avez l’intention de boucler le tout cette année ?
une partie de moi pense comme chaque saison comme tout le monde et dit, et bien nous ne pouvons pas continuer, il n’y a plus d’histoire à raconter. En temps qu’équipe créative, les auteurs et les acteurs se retrouvent à la fin de la saison et [en parlent]. Je crois que s’il n’y a pas d’autres histories intéressantes à raconter, alors nous l’arrêterons. Nous savons déjà exactement comment la série va se terminer et combine d’épisodes nous devons mener jusqu’à cette fin et je crois que nous saurons tout quand le feeling sera juste.

Donc cela pourrait vraiment se conclure cette année
vous savez, nous écrivons chaque année comme si c’était la dernière parce que ceci c’est pas CSI, ce n’est pas Law & Order. On ne peut pas continuer éternellement. Donc chaque saison, nous sommes préparés pour boucler les histories émotionnelles et arriver à cette apogée que nous avons prévue dès la saison un. Evidemment nous ne voulons pas devenir une série bâclée où tout à coup nous ne sommes plus fidèles à ce qu’étaient les [idées] originales, juste parce que la possibilité [de continuer] est là. Nous – acteurs et auteurs de la même manière – aimons penser que nous racontons quelque chose de vraiment convainquant, si cela cesse d’être convainquant, pourquoi le raconter ?

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par reaped Jeu 4 Sep 2008 - 15:03

I guess they are breaking T-Bag out of prison because he has the bird-book...but is anyone else forgetting the second bird book? Lincoln copied everything in the first book to the second one, so why dont they just use that one? Seems easier to me than breaking out 3, 4, 5 people or however many they break out.
There is more to the bird book then just what whistler wrote in it.......

Je suppose qu’ils font évader T-Bag parce qu’il a le guide des oiseaux… mais est-ce qu’on oublie qu’il y a un deuxième guide des oiseaux ? Lincoln a tout copié ce qui est dans le premier dans le second, donc pourquoi ne se servent-ils pas de celui là ? ça semble plus facile que de faire évader 3, 4, 5 personnes ou autant qu’ils sont.
Il y a plus dans le guide des oiseaux que ce que Whistler a écrit dedans.

Will Sucre be in danger from Augusto as well as The Company ( Augusto is the guy who had Sucre smuggle drugs into Sona?
No I don't think Sucre will be in danger of Augusto finding him...if he can stay hidden from The Company i'm sure he can stay hidden from a Panamanian Drug dealer.

How will Sucre know his baby is born?
He will go to the hospital and see his baby.

Est-ce que Sucre sera en danger par rapport à Augusto comme par rapport à la Compagnie (Augusto est le type qui lui faisait livrer la drogue dans Sona) ?
Non je ne crois pas que Sucre aura a craindre qu’Augusto le trouve… s’il arrive à se cacher de la Compagnie je suis certain qu’il peut se cacher d’un trafiquant de drogue panaméen.

comment Sucre saura-t-il que son bébé est né ?
Il ira à l’hopital et verra son bébé.

Merci à sa Majesté ordi ordi ordi ordi ordi
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par FallingStar Jeu 4 Sep 2008 - 15:14

Merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... calin

Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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Message par reaped Jeu 4 Sep 2008 - 20:12

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par lilite Jeu 4 Sep 2008 - 21:10

Episode 4.11 - script Snippet


source => spoilertv
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 59
Localisation : région parisienne
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007

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Message par reaped Jeu 4 Sep 2008 - 21:20

Bon y'a rien de transcendant mais bon...
Dominic Purcell : la saison 4 de "Prison Break"...
Séries TV - Interviews - Jeudi 4 Septembre 2008
Alors que la saison US 2008 - 2009 vient à peine de commencer, AlloCiné Séries a retrouvé la trace de Dominic Purcell, un des héros de "Prison Break".

A la fin de la saison dernière, étiez-vous optimiste quand au renouvellement de "Prison Break" pour une 4ème saison, sachant que la grève des scénaristes a tout bouleversé ?
Dominic Purcell : A l'évidence, avec la grève des scénaristes, nous étions dans une situation précaire. J'ai été choqué d'apprendre que la saison 3 ne compterait finalement que 13 épisodes, soit moitié moins que ce qui était prévu au départ. Maintenant que nous avons repris le chemin des studios pour tourner la 4ème saison, je suis assez confiant. Le nouveau concept de la série va nous permettre de continuer encore un petit moment, je suppose.

Si le dernier épisode de la saison 3 avait été le tout dernier épisode de la série, auriez-vous été satisfait de ce dénouement ?
J'ai trouvé la fin de la saison 3 excellente. Toutes les storylines se sont résolues de manière intéressante. Je pense que nous avons encore plein de choses à raconter donc je suis content que la série ne se soit pas arrêtée là.

Etiez-vous content d'apprendre que le tournage aurait désormais lieu à Los Angeles alors que vous filmiez les deux saisons précédentes au Texas ?
Le Texas ne me manque pas du tout ! Je suis ravi d'être à L.A, vraiment ! Je peux maintenant voir mes enfants quand je veux.

Doit-t-on s'attendre à découvrir un nouveau Linc en saison 4 ?
Il va devoir gérer son erreur, celle d'avoir cru Sara morte alors qu'il ne s'agissait en réalité pas de sa tête dans la fameuse boîte ... A part ça, Lincoln va rester égal à lui-même : un volcan toujours sur le point de se réveiller ! Il va continuer d'apporter de l'énergie et une bonne dose de testostérone à la série.

Lincoln va-t-il continuer à faire cavalier seul dans ces nouveaux épisodes ou va-t-il retrouver Michael ?
Lincoln et Michael sont frères, ils ont un profond respect l'un pour l'autre et il n'y a plus aucune tension entre eux. Ils doivent se serrer les coudes pour s'en sortir. Lincoln veut simplement retrouver son fils et sa vie d'avant. Il est prêt à tout pour y arriver ! Michael va l'aider, comme il l'a toujours fait.

Vous allez être à l'affiche l'année prochaine de "Town Creek", un film d'horreur. Avez-vous d'autres projets pour le cinéma ?
Pour être tout à fait honnête, je préfère actuellement me concentrer sur Prison Break. Le reste m'importe peu. Je reçois régulièrement des propositions. Je m'y pencherais plus tard, quand le tournage de la quatrième saison touchera à sa fin.

Que pouvez-vous nous réveler d'autre sur la saison 4 de "Prison Break" ?
Je peux simplement dire aux fans que la série va encore gagner en qualité cette saison. Les scénaristes ont eu plein d'idées innovantes. C'est un vrai plaisir pour moi que de jouer dans la série !

Propos recueillis par Emmanuel Itier à Los Angeles en août 2008

Source : allocine
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par lilite Ven 5 Sep 2008 - 9:18

Prison Break Cast Interviews on MyFox Tampa Bay

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 59
Localisation : région parisienne
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007

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Message par FallingStar Ven 5 Sep 2008 - 9:38

Merci Sabine ! calin
Went qui fait le pitre, j'adore !

Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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