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Saison 4

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Message par reaped Dim 10 Aoû 2008 - 17:51

Allez un p'i mix de tous les trailers !
A déguster sans modération :lol:

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par Invité Dim 10 Aoû 2008 - 18:06

Tu as bien raison sans modération drunken

J'en veux plus, viteeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Merci ma Elise :bisous


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Message par reaped Dim 10 Aoû 2008 - 18:14

Coucou les minettes !
Bon je vous mets ça mais la traduction risque de prendre un peu de temps Wink

Will season four be Prison Break's last? Why aren't Michael and Sara so happy together? And what's up with Whistler, T-Bag, Mahone and Michael Rapaport's new character? PB producer Zack Estrin was kind enough to clue me in on the answers to these questions and more...

Word is, Prison Break's new season is not picking back up where we left off.
True. The [writers] strike shortened season three, so everything that was supposed to happen in our back nine [episodes] last year is now essentially condensed into a two-hour premiere. The task for our two-hour premiere was to wrap up [the old storylines], but also to launch a brand new season four. We did not want to get bogged down in answering old questions. So we scrapped some of the things we had planned for our back nine, wrapped up what was important and launched the new year. We had to kill a few babies, but we’re moving on.

It's probably for the best.
I think so too. You know, this season is probably our biggest challenge so far, because it’s the most different from all of our other seasons. The guys are in the prison, they break out and then break in. The only thing harder than breaking out is breaking in. The guys are like Dirty Dozen kind of guys. We’ve brought them together to go to task.

When you say "the guys," who exactly are you talking about?
The guys you know and love and hate will all be back together again in some way, shape or form. Not all of them are together at the outset, but they certainly will be as the season goes on. And, as always, there are [concrete] reasons to [reunite] them. T-Bag (Robert Knepper, pictured left) is always the hardest to justify -- because, you know, why keep this guy around? -- But he ends up with a very [important storyline]. I don’t know if you remember that Whistler had a book in season three, a bird book--

Yes, he dropped it during the escape from Sona and T-Bag found it.
Right. Well, we’re going back to some old-school, season one storytelling with the book. Just as Michael's tattoos were a [road map] that first year, the book has this season's mysteries in it: riddles, clues, puzzles. Our guys will need to get a hold of that book in order to complete their tasks for season four and, as you said, T-Bag is the keeper of that book. How they find him, and what happens when they do, becomes an integral part of the plot.

Chrisvance So that’s one old storyline that you're actually picking up. How about letting us in on what was really going on with some of the other maybe bad guys? Whistler?
That picks up too. Obviously Whistler (Chris Vance, pictured right) was a bit of a mystery in season three, but you will find out exactly what he was up to. His real agenda will be revealed, as well as why the Company wanted him out of Sona. And maybe he had his own agenda, maybe he wasn’t just motivated by what the Company wanted from him.

And how about Mahone? At the end of last year, we found out that he had something going with the Company too.
The cool thing about Mahone (William Fichtner, pictured left) is that he always had his own interest at heart. Not in a selfish way, but as far as his family goes and just wanting to get out of things. So I think that his reason for teaming up with those guys is complicated. We don’t necessarily know what he was up to at the end of last season. His involvement with them doesn't definitely mean he's doing a bad thing.

I hear that two characters that I'm pretty positive are despicable -- T-Bag and Gretchen (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, pictured right)-- may be teaming up?
Yes! We’re kind of hoping for "the most twisted duo on television" award. You know, they are probably two of the more f--ked up characters on television and to get them together will be a lot of fun, I think. And it’ll be interesting just exactly how they're going to work together.

Brilliant. So, that’s not going to just be a one-episode sort of thing?
It’s a story that will grow over the course of the season because in the beginning, as with most of our seasons, everybody is very separate and has their own agendas, but slowly we find out that all these agendas end up intertwining. People who hate each other need each other, there are unholy alliances. It's a long-standing Prison Break tradition. We have this running joke that Michael Scofield will always have to hate the person who he’s side by side with. The continuing saga of, dammit, I can't believe I have to work with this disgusting person!

Speaking of Michael, I have to ask you about Sara (Sarah Wayne Callies, pictured left) of course. Their relationship has been this sort of unrequited love over the seasons. Will they finally be together this year?
As you said, that relationship has been built on not being able to be together. And once they have the ability to be with each other, it changes the dynamic a lot. But we all have this investment like, omigod these two have to get together! So, I can tell you they will get together, but once they do, you will realize that they don’t know each other very well. Part of what drove this love was the mystery and, all of a sudden, you have to ask if the reality is as good as what the fantasy was.

And because there's no actual prison this year, a lot of the themes we’re playing with represent being constrained in other ways. We’re really trying to create a lot of emotional prisons for these characters. As far as Michael and Sara are concerned, will they be able to break through what they are dealing with? Sara went through a lot in the time that we did not see her and what she had to do to find Michael again is kind of a mystery this season. You know, what did she endure? What did she witness? She has her own demons this season as opposed to Michael having them from the past. She has her own secrets as well. You can put the two of them together, but they still have to, in essence, find each other again.

Sounds heavy.
Yeah, there’s stuff to be dealt with. But this year, there will be a lot more joy for these two than we’ve had in the past, which I think people are looking forward to. They might actually smile.

Yes, there might be some smiles believe it or not.

Some comedy, perhaps?
Maybe a little dry humor, maybe a little Gallows humor. An Ichabod Crane joke somewhere in there. But, I mean, it’s a fascinating relationship. And I don't think we want to make the [Moonlighting] David and Maddie mistake. This relationship works on certain levels and not on others. We don’t want to all of a sudden make them this tag team. She has her own set of issues to deal with.

Moving on to new characters, how does Michael Rapaport (pictured right) fit into everything?
He works for homeland security. Bringing this group together is actually his idea. He has his own ideas about the Company and how they’ve got their fingers in everything. He realizes that you never know who in the government could be involved with them, so he can’t have the FBI or CIA getting involved in trying to bring them down. He knows that Michael, Linc and [the other cons] have proven capable, so he gives them the means necessary to do the job. He says, we’ll create a cover story about what happened to you and then we'll bring these a--holes down. He’s kind of their handler for the season, an ally who they haven’t had. Every other season, they’ve kind of been on their own, so this is a chance for them to have an ally with some resources.

Is it a friendly relationship? Do the guys like this character?
It’s actually an interesting relationship because he’s their boss in a way, and his butt is on the line too, because what they’re doing is secret -- no one can know about it. Even the homeland security people are in the dark, so he’s in jeopardy. And if The Company finds out what he’s up to, there are problems for him there as well. It’s a bit of a mysterious relationship. And, you know, on Prison Break, the guys are always wondering who they can trust and who they can’t.

Final question: FOX is promoting this season as “The Final Confrontation.” Does that mean that you guys are looking to wrap things up this year?
Part of me feels like every season everybody says, well we can't go on, there’s no more story to tell. As a creative team, the writers and the actors always kind of get together towards the end of a season and [discuss that]. I think that if there are no more interesting stories to tell, then we'll end it. We already know exactly how the show will end, and how many episodes we need to steer towards that end and I think that we’ll all know when the feeling is right.

So it really could come to a close after this year.
You know, we write every year as if it’s our last because this is not CSI, this is not Law & Order. You can’t keep going forever. So every season, we’re prepared to wrap up the emotional stories and have this great climax that we've planned since season one. We obviously don’t want to turn into a hack show where all of a sudden we aren’t being true to what the original [ideas were], just because the opportunity [to continue] is there. We -- actors and writers alike -- like to feel like we’re telling something that is really compelling and if it ceases to be compelling, why keep telling it?

Source: Zap2IT

Transmis à la :traduc:

Dernière édition par reaped le Mar 12 Aoû 2008 - 12:35, édité 1 fois
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par Invité Dim 10 Aoû 2008 - 18:46

tu as raison élise, cette vidéo est à consommer sans modération!!! bave

par contre pour l'article je vais sagement attendre une traduction parce que mon anglais est très très limité & là c'est un peut trop pour moi! :lol:

en tout cas :merci pour tout ça! kiss


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Message par lilin Dim 10 Aoû 2008 - 19:28

sympa la vidéo, elle permet de voir différentes présentations de la saison 4, j'ai vraiment hate de découvrir cette saison qui a l'air pleine de rebondissements.
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 48
Localisation : bretagne ou sur les traces de Went
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2006

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Message par FallingStar Dim 10 Aoû 2008 - 20:06

MERCI +++ pour cette vid récap en OR, m@ Lili ! kiss
Quel bonheur... et en même temps quelle torture que de devoir attendre encore aussi longtemps !!! waiting waiting waiting

Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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Message par reaped Mar 12 Aoû 2008 - 12:49

I guess they are breaking T-Bag out of prison because he has the bird-book...but is anyone else forgetting the second bird book? Lincoln copied everything in the first book to the second one, so why dont they just use that one? Seems easier to me than breaking out 3, 4, 5 people or however many they break out.
There is more to the bird book then just what whistler wrote in it.......

Will Sucre be in danger from Augusto as well as The Company ( Augusto is the guy who had Sucre smuggle drugs into Sona?
No I don't think Sucre will be in danger of Augusto finding him...if he can stay hidden from The Company i'm sure he can stay hidden from a Panamanian Drug dealer.

How will Sucre know his baby is born?
He will go to the hospital and see his baby

Source: The_Man via Exco

Transmis à la :traduc:
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par nidith Mer 13 Aoû 2008 - 10:27

Merci tout plein! smack
J'aimerais que septembre arrive viiiiiiiiiite!!!
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 48
Localisation : BdR - France
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2008


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Message par sam Ven 15 Aoû 2008 - 23:29

un autre trailer mes bichettes...

evanoui evanoui evanoui
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 51
Localisation : déséspérement accrochée aux mollets de went...
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2007

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Message par reaped Sam 16 Aoû 2008 - 0:15

Cool !
Super merci ma Sam !!!

La liste des titres des épisodes de la saison 4 :
1 Scylla
2 Breaking And Entering
3 Shut Down
4 Eagles And Angels
5 Safe And Sound
6 Blow Out
7 Five The Hard Way
8 The Price
9 Greatness Achieved
10 The Man Comes Around
11 All In Favour
12 Wrong Turn
13 Fallout
14 Loose Ends
15 Saved
16 Caught In The Middle
17 R.I.P.
18 Hangman
19 The Game
20 Weak Link
21 Justice
22 Over And Out

Source : Exco
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par Invité Dim 17 Aoû 2008 - 15:41

super encore une super vidéo promo!!!! :merci sam!!!

& :merci élise pour les titres!!!!



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Message par reaped Lun 18 Aoû 2008 - 15:49

Allez les minettes encore une tite vid !

Source Eoneline via Exco

Bon en fait en voila une autre :

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par colleen1 Lun 18 Aoû 2008 - 16:16

shocked evanoui

mais tu nous balances la vidéo sans même nous prévenir qu'on a droit à un bisou ???

Mais j'ai failli faire un arrêt cardiaque vin diou !! scare

Ohlala ! J'ai cru que c'était un vrai de vrai !! Que la caméra ne tournait pas l'épisode au vu de leur décontraction et des vêtements portés... evanoui

:merci pour ces vidéos élise !! :bisous

si je pouvais avoir une mini traduction de ce qu'ils disent ... Embarassed :ahla
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2007

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Message par reaped Lun 18 Aoû 2008 - 16:43

Pardon ma Sophie je n'avais pas du tout l'intention de faire faire un arrêt cardiaque :lol:
D'autant que vu mon état c'est pas moi qui te réanimerait :rire2:

Voila déjà la transcription de la vidéo grâce à Tbonita d'Exco

Kristin : Welcome to an all new edition of "Watch With Kristin"...with the moment you Prison Break fans have been waiting for....Wentworth Miller kissing the lovely, and reheaded Sarah Wayne Callies (shows a snippet of Michael kissing Sara in the warehouse and then Sara turns and walks away)

(stuff on Heroes, then back to PB)

(All the interviews take place on the warehouse set)

Kristin : After 3 season shooting in Chicago and Texas, Prison Break is back home in Los Angeles, and the stars couldn't be happier.

(Cuts to Kristin talking to Went)

Went : This is kinda cozy....feels a little like CSI....feeling a little spoiled right now. (chuckle)

(Cuts to Mahone)

William Fichtner : It's nice. It's nice not heading to the airport every Sunday and coming back on Friday.

(Cuts to Lincoln)

Dominic : It's good. It's good to be with the family close by, and spoiled. That's how I feel.

(Cuts back to Went)

Kristin : I have to say, I came on a pretty good day, because I just saw you locking lips with someone. (shows the Scofield/Tancredi kiss again)

Went : Oooh Yeah ! Michael's finally "getting some" (pumps his arm, as in victory)

Kristin : Yessssssss !! Spoiler Alert !

(Cuts to SWC)

Kristin : We were here to see a little kiss between you and Wentworth.

SWC : (laughs)

Kristin : Kinda made my week, I have to say. May be pathetic, but it's true. I was very happy to see you here, with your head on, planting your lips on Michael Scofield. It's just makes me very happy as a fan. (shows the kiss again)

SWC : It's just a little "goodbye...be safe" (referring to the kiss)

(Cuts back to Went)

Kristin : So what's it like, having Sarah back on set ?

Went : Sarah's great. I've always loved working with her. I think she adds something very unique and special to the show. And also casts a certain light to my character that you don't really get to see with anyone else.

(Cuts to Dom)

Kristin : Are you happy to have SWC back on the show ?

Dom : (shakes head) No, not at all.

Kristin : Finally someone...(not clear what she says, but basically "finally someone tells the truth")

Dom : (holds up hand to half cover his mouth) She's a pain in the ass (said sarcastically and in jest)

Kristin : (referring to SWC) She's always smiling and getting along with everyone...How annoying ! (said jokingly)

Dom : It's a front. It's a front. (he smiles) She's really horrible (said jokingly)

Kristin : (laughs)

Dom : No, she's a good girl. (referring to SWC) She brings a lot to the show.

(Cuts to TBag)

Kristin : How do you feel this season compares to previous seasons of Prison Break ?

Robert Knepper : Um, I like the fact that we all have a common goal right now...we're all going after the Company....and a lot of us can't stand each other.

(Cuts back to Went)

Went : I've heard a lot this year about Season 4 being very much like Oceans 11....kinda caperish....but it's still life or death....we've still got a really serious body count, so it's the same PB you've always loved.

(Cuts back to Mahone)

Fichtner : Episode 1 of Season 4 is....drives Mahone through the entire season.

(Cuts to SWC)

Kristin : So where has Sara been ? Is there anything you can say about that, or is it a huge secret ?

SWC : Um, I think....I can't say much. (laughs) I don't honestly know. I'll put it this way....Sara has been in the hands of one of our long list of very, very, very bad people.

(Cuts back to Went)

Kristin : There's been a little talk that this might be the last season of Prison Break ?
How do you feel about that ? How much more life is in the character ?

Went : (laughs) That's a good question. It's a complicated question. I think, in this current incarnation, where you got Michael, Sara, Lincoln....their old friends and foes, banded together to take on the Company....that could conceivably go on for a while...depends on how many arms the Company has. However, I do feel like it's the home stretch. I would like to figure out a way for my character to kinda redeem himself, to be worthy of the title of hero, to be worthy of Sara's love. I don't know if I can do that in a season. It might take more than one, but I have to say as much as I've enjoyed working on the show, I'm also ready to go at any time.


Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par colleen1 Lun 18 Aoû 2008 - 17:58

Bon, finalement je m'en suis remise. Mon coeur est reparti ! scare

:merci pour la retranscription. Je suis nulle en anglais boulet mais j'ai été traduire sur un site lol!

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2007

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Message par Invité Lun 18 Aoû 2008 - 20:08

Merci Ma Elise, j'ai commencé par les photos et termine par la vidéo sigh

C'est du pur bonheur et merci pour la transcription I love you


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Message par lilin Lun 18 Aoû 2008 - 21:18

tous ces kiss2 je ne m'y attendais pas hot , mon coeur à failli laché :lol:
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 48
Localisation : bretagne ou sur les traces de Went
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2006

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Message par bibouille Jeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 12:30

salut les filles! voisi une tite vidéo histoire de se mettre encore plus l'eau à la bouche... bave

j'espère que ça va marcher (c'est la première fois que je fais ce genre de post... I love you)
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 55
Localisation : bourgogne
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2008

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Message par lilite Jeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 13:25

wouah merci les filles, des nouveautés en mon absence cheers

par contre la vidéo de kristin avec "le bisou" :pendu: ..... comment je me suis fais avoir..... j'ai vraiment cru que c'était hors tournage, un petit moment d'égarement :rire2: j'en ai ouvert grand la bouche, un peu comme shocked
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 59
Localisation : région parisienne
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007

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Message par lilite Jeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 16:19

(je ne sais pas si je poste au bon endroit, vous n'avez qu'à le mettre ou vous voulez les modottes siffle )

myfox LA - Robert Knepper's sur la saison 4

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 59
Localisation : région parisienne
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007

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Message par reaped Jeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 20:17

C'est parfait Lilin !
Merci beaucoup pour cette vid !
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Message par Invité Jeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 21:31

:merci pour la vidéo lilite!!!

& dire que j'ai rêvé de tbag il n'y pas pas longtemps! mdr2


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Message par soso_burrows Ven 22 Aoû 2008 - 13:58

Je sais pas si çà a déjà été posté quelques part mais voilà...


je reviens plus tard pour la traduc happy

:edit par :reaped: je pense que c'est ça que tu voulais montrer ?
Saison 4 - Page 12 Mini_080822011029915658
parce que ton lien ne fonctionne pas... Si c'est pas ça dis le on tachera de réajuster. Pour la traduction faudra être patient il semblerait que toute la :traduc: soit en vacances
WEM-III tatoué(e)

Age : 44
Localisation : à Paris...sniff sniff et le coeur dans le Gard lol
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2007

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Message par soso_burrows Ven 22 Aoû 2008 - 14:34

Oh oui merci copine
WEM-III tatoué(e)

Age : 44
Localisation : à Paris...sniff sniff et le coeur dans le Gard lol
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2007

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Message par lilin Ven 22 Aoû 2008 - 14:46

c'est pour bientot, http://jeanmarcmorandini.tele7.fr/article-18072.html

vivement cette saison 4!
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 48
Localisation : bretagne ou sur les traces de Went
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2006

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