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Saison 4

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Message par lilite Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 9:31

Wentworth Miller and Sarah Wayne Callies Interview buddytv (Part 1)

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 59
Localisation : région parisienne
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par FallingStar Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 9:49

Merci+++ Sabine ! calin
C'est toujours un immense plaisir de les voir ensemble...

Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par colleen1 Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 10:12

:merci sabine !! :bisous

I a vraiment un problème avec ses mains ! :lol: il les grattent, il les frottent, il compte ses doigts... :rire2:
Je n'ai vu que ça durant cette interview content
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par sam Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 11:20

merci bcp m@ lilite! kiss2

c'est trop bon de les revoir ensemble... :coeur :coeur2
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 51
Localisation : déséspérement accrochée aux mollets de went...
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par cara2828 Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 11:49

:merci pour cette vid !

ça fait plaisir de les voir ensemble mais ça me fait surtout plaisir de voir chouchou :lol: ...

Comme ma Sophie j'ai été hypnotisée par ses mains,,, Embarassed Embarassed


Rien de mieux pour me faire mourru un lundi matin...

Mais c'est si bon, pourquoi s'en priver sigh sigh

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par reaped Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 14:59

Trop bon !!! :pendu:
Les revoir ensemble c'est..... copine
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par Invité Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 16:33

Un grand merci Sabine pour cette vidéo, notre Went est toujours aussi beau :pendu: et les voir ensemble est un réel bonheur supercontent

Par contre, je suis d'accord avec vous les filles, je n'ai vu que ses mains mais elles sont tellement belles, aussi sigh


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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par reaped Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 17:13

Des infos sur les personnages de la s4 :

Cress Williams “Wyatt”
Re: The Company
“The company is kind of a mixture of corporation and government. They’re like the puppeteers you know. They’re like behind the scenes controlling for all those conspiracy theorists around you know, they’re controlling everything from stocks to weapons to government relations. They are big brother.”

Michael Rapaport “Don Self”
Re: The Company
“It’s a group that’s you know sort of doing, doing bad things in a very discrete, highly discrete way.”

William Fichtner “Alex Mahone”
Re: New mission
“Well I think the mission that you know we’re all asked to do or told to do or forced to do is not something that’s, I don’t think, I don’t think any of us really want to be together. Maybe the brothers do. It’s out of necessity of you know we all have our, our agenda and the things that we want personally.”

Sarah Wayne Callies “Sara Tancredi”
Re: Why take on a new mission?
“The simple answer is that the reason we take on the assignment is because these people have to be stopped and we all have different reasons for stopping them. Some people want blood, some people want justice, some people have nothing else to do and need a task to focus themselves on but we all coalesce around this need to stop the company and to, also to identify the company. None of us knows who they are, they’re just this colossal force that’s been sort of buffeting our lives.”

Michael Rapaport “Don Self”
Re: Joining the cast
“I’m really excited to be a part of the show. I, I’ve been having a lot of fun so far on Prison Break, the guys are all good. They’ve been very welcoming.”

James Hiroyuki Liao “Roland”
Re: Joining the cast
“Got no problems to say by far the you know best on camera you know thing that I’ve done, one of the most harmonious work environments I’ve been on, been embraced from Day 1, made to feel like family by the entire cast.”

Dominic Purcell “Lincoln Burrows”

Re: Working with his co-stars
“I love working with great actors because you, you just get better you know and you learn from, from these guys. I mean Bill’s been in it for you know a long time and it’s always, it’s always a joy to work with guys like that, and you know Peter Stormare is a dear friend of mine and I learn a lot from him as an actor and I think that’s one of the, that’s one of the great things about working especially on something you kind of really love you know. You, you, you allow yourself to learn and grow and you know it’s, yeah it’s, it’s really cool.”

Amaury Nolasco “Fernando Sucre”

Re: Working with co-stars
“It’s like putting those jeans that, that just fit perfect, that’s what it is just working with these guys. It’s dancing.”

Wentworth Miller “Michael Scofield”
Re: What happened at the end of Season Three?
“Third season ended with the boys escaping from, from Panama leaving the Sona Prison behind. We thought that Sarah was dead, Michael was on a revenge quest going after Gretchen B. in Whistler and people that he thought were responsible and Season 4 picks up a month later in Los Angeles. And we find that the gang gets back together relatively quickly”

Dominic Purcell “Lincoln Burrows”
Re: What happened at the end of Season Three?
“Toward the end of the season, last season Link was living the high life with Sophia and L. J. down in Panama and he got into, got himself into a situation in Panama where he ended up suspecting that a company guy was after him and they got into a scuffle and, and Lincoln shot him.”

Sarah Wayne Callies “Sara Tancredi”
Re: What happened at the end of Season Three?
“Lincoln took a look at a head in a box and said I don’t want to look at the head in the box. It’s led to believe it’s Sarah and is that sort of I think misdirect of having been told one thing and believing it and having that make it so. But as it turns out it was not Sarah’s head.”

Amaury Nolasco “Fernando Sucre”
Re: What happened at the end of Season Three?
“You guys left me inside a prison in Panama with T-Bag basically running, being the new emperor and it looks like Julius Cesar.”

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe “Gretchen”
Re: Fan interactions that she has encountered
“I get a big, toothy grin and I hate you, I hate you. Oh, God you’re so great, I hate you. It just, you know like that or I got shaken one time and it was like “What did you do with the kid?” But, you know, it’s like one way or the other. They’re completely irritated or really thrilled to see me.”

Dominic Purcell- “Lincoln Burrows”
Re: How have the characters evolved over the different seasons?
“I think the characters have never been black and white. You know there’s always a complexity to them and obviously Sarah’s character is going to be bringing a lot of baggage and you know we get to see again the, the, the start of a new romance I, I would say with Michael and Sarah because last year that was kind of cut short with her kind of disappearing and what happened to her. This year we, we get to explore those two.”

Wentworth Miller “Michael Scofield”
Re: How have the characters evolved over the different seasons?
“The interesting thing that we examine in the fourth season is now that he’s back together with Sarah is he still the man that she fell in love with once upon a time because third season Michael thought Sarah was dead and he crossed a line that he hadn’t crossed before He was responsible for the death of another inmate at the Panamanian Prison that the, the inmate who was killed when Michael rigged the tunnel to collapse. So is he the man that Sarah once knew? Is he worthy of their relationship? Is he redeemable? These are all rich and valuable questions.”

Robert Knepper-“Theodore ‘T-Bag’ Bagwell”
Re: How have the characters evolved over the different seasons?
“I know T-Bag’s going to go, Teddy’s going to go through this, or is going through this cathartic change right now obviously with the clothes and the look that I have right now of to try to fit into this particular company where he has to work. But it’s, what’s underneath all that too is kind of interesting that he’s, he has an opportunity really change who he is and if he can believe it maybe other people can believe it as well. I was a serial, well he wasn’t really a serial killer, he just killed a lot of people.”

Dominic Purcell “Lincoln Burrows”
Re: Filming in Los Angeles
“Finally we’re shooting in Los Angeles. First year they said that we were, it was half a year in Chicago and that didn’t eventuate and then we thought we were heading back to L.A. and we ended up in Dallas for two years and now we’re in L.A. and it’s home.”

Sarah Wayne Callies “Sara Tancredi”

Re: Filming in Los Angeles
“It’s kind of exciting I think for those of us who commuted more or less and a lot of the guys with kids who are in school spent every weekend on the plane. Domino surfs every morning and is a much kindler, gentler Dominic. It’s good for all of us I think.”

Amaury Nolasco “Fernando Sucre”
Re: Filming in Los Angeles
“We’re back home which is amazing after being three years on the road. I think that was enough you know. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great time in Chicago, I had a great time in Dallas. These are places that I probably would have mot lived there if, not because of the show. So it was a great experience but now we’re back home. The storyline takes us home so as an actor point of view, as Amaury point of view I’m glad to be back home you know friends, it’s, my home, it’s my patio.”

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe “Gretchen”
Re: Having been the only woman on set during part of season three
“I wasn’t sure how it was going to be when I first got there but then I arrived and it was like a big room filled with gentlemen and everybody was asking how are you and are you okay and do you need water and let me get that door for you and it was kind of, it was the exact opposite of what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be a bunch of stinky boys in the middle of Texas on a set who you know we are going to be spitting and like scratching and, and it was going to be very unpleasant but it wasn’t. It was, it was great. It’s you know I get treated like a princess. On the other hand it’s really nice to have Sarah back because I actually have a girl to talk to so then there’s that. I mean it, you can only talk to the boys so much.”

James Hiroyuki Liao “Roland”
Re: Filming on a new set
“We’re in the secret warehouse that’s by the docks. It’s undisclosed and you know because we need our secrecy because you know obviously the country knows the faces of Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scoefield. So this whole nice security agent has done everything he could to set up a home base in this abandoned warehouse by these docks.”

Amaury Nolasco “Fernando Sucre”
Re: Filming on a new set
“We all live together. There’s not much of privacy. We all have our own, what do you call those, army beds. I don’t know, soldier beds whatnot. I don’t know what’s the name of those but anyway, so there’s not, it’s like a platoon you know. It’s like we’re you know, we’re on a mission and we all have to somehow get along so you know that’s not going to happen. And we’re talking about from the characters’ point of view. You know there’s a lot of hatred between, there’s a lot of history and there’s a lot of hatred going on between these characters.”

La suite ci-après...

Traduction des 2 parties en page 26
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par reaped Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 17:14

Wade Williams “Brad Bellick”
Re: Filming on a new set
“It’s like the, Prison Break CTU you know all the, and we have like a new character played by a guy named James. His name is Roland and he is the technical wizard and so we’ve got you know the technical guy and then everybody else trying to do their deal and trying to help in and pitch in.”

Michael Rapaport “Don Self”
Re: his character who is new to the show
“I play a character named Don Self this season on Prison Break who is, you know in Homeland Security, he works for the government and he has drafted the guys to do some work for, for that will benefit them as far as you know keeping them out of prison and that will benefit my character and really sort of, we’re, I’m getting them to sort of take on the bad guy with me. I’m a policeman essentially. I mean that’s, I’m a government person but I’m the, I’m the good guy and they’re the bad guys and you know however we you know they’re, however we might be working together there is, there is always that distance between all of us. Mahone character all of them. And you know at the end of the day you know I have a gun and I have tracking devices on them so you know I’m the warden you know and they’re the prisoners.”

Cress Williams “Wyatt”
Re: his character who is new to the show
“My character’s name is Wyatt. He doesn’t need a last name, he just goes by one name. Basically he’s a coldblooded killer, a killer for hire, the guy that you call when you need it done, you just need it all cleaned up, he’s a cleaner. And has no remorse for what he does. It’s just, it’s just a job and he just happens to be good at it. I think that he would like to be your normal person if he could but he can’t. I work for Pad Man so you know fans of the show would know who Pad Man is. I work for Pad Man. I’m not a company guy. I’ve been called in because things aren’t going well so I’m kind of like you know the red phone guy. Pick up the red phone and call the guy that we need to do who’s going to do it all. And I’ve been in a nutshell called to clean up and clean up means anybody with any contact has to go no matter how minute you know whether they’re just related to someone or, or really trying, or you know really part of the group, I got to clean them all up. Lincoln and Michael are the main people I’m after. And I mean it filters out to everybody. Basically everybody they touch I have to take care of them too but they’re my main focus is to find them and to take care of them. I use a whole arsenal of guns. I have a different gun for just about every job whether it’s long range, short range, silencer, non-silencer and then some interesting things, some needles, some torture devices, everything.”

James Hiroyuki Liao “Roland”

Re: his character who is new to the show
“I play a character named Roland who is being, he’s an addition to the team. A Homeland Security agent brings him in because of my expertise in computer, in computers and software and technology in, in all things silicon related to help bring down the company. So that’s where my expertise is needed and I’m also working off a sentence of mine as well because I’m getting busted for federal identity theft which is now you know it’s a terrorist act. So I’m facing some serious charges so the stakes are really high. Roland doesn’t really, in the very beginning he doesn’t really quite fit in with the rest of the team. You know Michael, Michael Scofield even says you know I, we got our team we don’t need this guy but then the, but then Don Self, played by Michael Rappaport says no this is, this is my team, I’m in charge of you and he is going to be a part of it. So I’m kind of something that’s forced onto the team but then I prove my value very quickly so the rest of the team I would say tolerates me. I think that’s the best way to put Roland that he’s tolerated because he’s a necessary evil and a necessary nuisance you know.”

Sarah Wayne Callies “Sara Tancredi”
Re: What would she like to see happen this season?
“They have cultivated these two female characters who are very powerful forces in their own right and who have also been through a lot who have both survived living in a man’s world and who don’t flinch from that but who I think I almost envisioned you know Gretchen and Sara end up in a room with a bunch of other guys and just turn to everyone and say leave, lock the door, I don’t want to hear a word, one of us will walk out of here. And all of you all just, this is between us. And I don’t know how we would settle that but half of me thinks that we would probably both be lying in pools of blood and the other half of me thinks that we’d probably be sharing a bottle of Scotch.”

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe “Gretchen”
Re: What would she like to see happen this season?
“I think at some point we’re going to have to deal with each other, I just don’t know how they’re going to do that yet. Our relationship is very bizarre. It’s you know she was my captive and she escaped so I’m not sure if I’m angry or if that doesn’t really mean all that much to me because you know I, I did fool the boys and they did think she was dead for a little while so we’ll see, we’ll see what they have in store for me this year.”

Wentworth Miller “Michael Scofield”
Re: Does Prison Break reinvent itself each season?
“I think Prison Break is not afraid to reinvent itself season to season so there is always something new that we have brought to the table, but at the same time these are still the same characters that you have grown to love or hate. These are still the same relationships that you have been investing in for the last four seasons and that's what I think the secret is to our success. What keeps this from becoming a caper – what keeps us from becoming Oceans Eleven is that if our characters fail at whatever shenanigan they may be up to, they will probably die which is a much more serious repercussion than one would expect in your average episode of the A Team or what have you. It still is very much lives on the line and that keeps things fairly serious. The – the comedy, if there is comedy, is a kind of dark humor that comes from these various characters rubbing up against one another. Michael Lincoln being in the same room as Mahone, the same man who killed their father, that can lend to some darkly humorous moments.”

Wade Williams “Brad Bellick”
Re: Does Prison Break reinvent itself each season?
“I think Prison Break for the last three seasons has been reinvented, you know. First it was in the prison, second season was on the run, the third season was back in a new, you know, worse prison, and then now this season it's completely reinvented because everybody is free and there is one common goal where everybody is going to die or be thrown back in prison.”

Sarah Wayne Callies “Sara Tancredi”

Re: Does Prison Break reinvent itself each season?
“We have to reinvest every year and we have to go back and do all of our homework again about why are we telling this story and what is compelling about it and what is our personal investment and what is our characters investment in it and I think that means that every year we get kind of either a shot in the arm or a slap in the face depending on how it feels at the time and that is what I think makes the show work.”

William Fichtner “Alex Mahone”
Re: Does Prison Break reinvent itself each season?
“Not only is it ongoing in a serial sort of way, but it clearly picks a direction for a season. We are going to throw you in this direction and I think that is why Prison Break is still around for a fourth season is because of the talent of our writing staff, you know can figure out, you know, what is the that new direction going to be and obviously it works.”

Amaury Nolasco “Fernando Sucre”
Re: Does Prison Break reinvent itself each season?
“People are always saying, okay, what are you going to do next. Now you broke out for the season, what are you going to do next? And we came up with the fugitive thing and the pursuit of all of us and then okay, now what are you going to do next? And we ended up in, I mean, in prison again, but it is slightly different so now we broke out so okay, what are you going to do next? I mean, people are always questioning us and yet we keep, you know, we keep stepping up to the plate.”

Wentworth Miller “Michael Scofield”

Re: What’s new this season?
“I think Season 4 is about standing and fighting. I think Seasons 1, 2, and 3 were about fleeing from the danger that the company that the conspiracy represented and the boys now understand that they can't keep running, that if they want to ever be free of this thing, and to seek some kind of justice or all the lives lost and damaged irreparably, it is time to – to stand and fight so Season 4 is about the old gang getting back together with all their tangled histories and animosities and taking a stand against the people who attempted to destroy their lives in the first place. “We really have what we like to – to joke and call the A Team which is Michael, Lincoln, Sara, Mahone, Sucre, and Bellick, all of these wildly different people, many of whom hated each other at some point. Obviously there is history between Mahon and the boys and it's at its core great television because it is all about people rubbing up against each other the – the wrong way and I think that is at the core of what Prison Break has always done very well which is, you know, six or eight guys in a room at each other's throat but they have to work together to achieve a common goal and that is exactly what we have created for the season.”

Dominic Purcell “Lincoln Burrows”
Re: What’s new this season?
“Season 4 certainly has a vibe of Mission Impossible, dare I say. There is a "we" element of MacGyver but not a lot, just a little bit just a tiny bit. But it still has the –you know, but it still has that brutal element to it. “

Robert Knepper “Theodore ‘T-Bag’ Bagwell”
Re: What’s new this season?
“Every season is like something new, something different. It is like shooting a different movie, and they have kept true to that every episode, every season. Especially for me, I get to be a – like a chameleon.”

William Fichtner “Alex Mahone”
Re: What’s new this season?
“Because of circumstance, the characters on the show, most of the characters are going to have to find a common ground together to – to accomplish something and the best of what they have all done, they have to bring it to the table now. It is the only way it is going to happen. the ball game this year.”

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe “Gretchen”
Re: What’s new this season?
“Gretchen this year is her own boss. She is not working for the company any more so I – so for me, I feel like that takes an assassin and makes them a little bit more hairy and wily. She has no one to report to, do you know what I mean? So we'll see, it could go either way.

Source : Spoiler TV
Traduction des 2 parties en page 26

Dernière édition par reaped le Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 17:21, édité 2 fois
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par Invité Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 17:18

Merci pour toutes ces news, ma Elise supercontent !!


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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par Invité Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 19:43

lilite :merci beaucoup pour la vidéo!

comme sophie, je suis restée bloquée sur ses sublimes mains qu'il ne cesse d'agiter Saison 4 - Page 13 94141 mon dieu comme je les aime ses mains!
j'ai pas tout compris à ce qu'ils racontaient mais ça fait vraiment plaisir de les revoir ensemble!

ma petite élise, :merci2: pour les dernières news mais je vais attendre la traduc parce que ça m'a l'air plutôt intéressant tout ça!


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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par pb-addict Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 20:10

1ere fois qu'on les retrouve pour une itw supercontent
On sent vraiment qu'ils prennent plaisir à construire l'interaction de leur 2 personnages, leur relation... Bref j'ai trouvé un Went super impliqué, concentré , effectivement ils n'arretent pas avec ses mains dinguotte2, il est vraiment à fond dans le sujet!
J'ai adoré leur tit regard complice au début de la vidéo (quand le journaliste dit qu'on est tous excité à l'idée de revoir MiSa!!!)
Un vrai plaisir cette vidéo et attends de voir la partie 2!!!
WEM-III innocent(e)

Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 27/12/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par reaped Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 17:12

IT de WM à propos de la saison 4 :

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par Invité Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:01

:merci ma Elise pour ces vidéos. supercontent

J'ai eu une drôle d'impression quand j'ai écouté la 1ère : comme je l'ai écouté avec mes écouteurs, j'avais l'impression d'avoir Went au téléphone sigh ! Je vais les réécouter car du coup, j'ai plus écouter sa voix que le contenu :lol:


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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par reaped Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:15

mdr2 mdr2
Comme si tu l'avais en live ?
Qui n'en reve pas siffle

Moi aussi je l'ai dégusté... Bon j'ai rien compris (ou pas grand chose mais bon)...

Dernière édition par reaped le Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 20:16, édité 1 fois
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par Invité Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:23

Oh Oui, oh Oui!!

Je lui posais les questions et il me répondait siffle . J'ai adoré ses rires et je suis fière car je le comprend de mieux en mieux :hum4: !!


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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par FallingStar Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:43

Oh m@ Lili, 1 000 mercis à toi ! Je t'a-do-re !!! calin

Je viens seulement d'écouter (tu sais pourquoi !).
Un peu plus de 10 mn d'extase totale car le fait de ne pas avoir l'image force à se concentrer sur ZeVoice, aux intonations chaudes et profondes.
Ah... comme le dit si bien mon alter ego adorée !
Et ce rire... Ah !

C'est vrai m@ Sandrine, on a presque l'impression d'avoir Wentworth au tél, surtout dans la première IT, où aucune autre voix n'intervient !
Un pur régal...

Je m'en vais de ce pas me les repasser une seconde fois car j'ai moi aussi zappé quelques trucs au passage...
Heureusement, IL a une diction très nette et plutôt lente, ce qui facilite grandement la compréhension !!!
Il a TOUT pour plaire, cet Homme là !


Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par colleen1 Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:45

Alors moi je comprends déjà pas les questions qui sont écrites crazy alors pour espérer comprendre ses réponses... :couto:

va falloir que j'y mette un jour... :hum4:

:merci élise !!! :bisous
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par Invité Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:48

colleen1 a écrit:Alors moi je comprends déjà pas les questions qui sont écrites crazy alors pour espérer comprendre ses réponses... :couto:

va falloir que j'y mette un jour... :hum4:

:merci élise !!! :bisous

Il faudrait qu'il te parle dans tes rêves, tu aurais du coup, des cours gratuits :lol:


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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par colleen1 Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:54

sandra a écrit:
colleen1 a écrit:Alors moi je comprends déjà pas les questions qui sont écrites crazy alors pour espérer comprendre ses réponses... :couto:

va falloir que j'y mette un jour... :hum4:

:merci élise !!! :bisous

Il faudrait qu'il te parle dans tes rêves, tu aurais du coup, des cours gratuits :lol:

je t'ai déjà dit :hum4: : on n'a pas que ça à faire dans mes rêves que de se taper la bavette... siffle
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par reaped Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:57

content vous savez que vous floodez les minettes siffle
Allez donc vois dans le topic floodage si j'y suis SVP kiss
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par FallingStar Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:59

Tu veux sans doute dire "tailler la bavette", Sophie...
Ké flood, m@ Lili ?!!! scotch

:edit tongue tongue voilà de quoi je cause

Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par colleen1 Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 20:01

FallingStar a écrit:Tu veux sans doute dire "tailler la bavette", Sophie...

qu'est ce donc j'ai dit ?? Suspect

Vous me faîtes écrire n'importe quoi ! C'est de votre faute !

Et puis pour le flood, ce n'est pas moi qui ai commencé, siffle seulement je suis polie donc je réponds... siffle

Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par reaped Mer 27 Aoû 2008 - 1:17

Souce : Spoiler tv
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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Saison 4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Saison 4

Message par reaped Mer 27 Aoû 2008 - 16:53

En voila encore une entre Robert Knepper etJodi Lyn O'Keefe :

WM et DP :

Je vous mets le lien où trouver des captures de la vid de la fox parce que y'en a tellement Wink ICI

source : Exco et http://www.w-miller.net/
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 50
Localisation : Là où je me sens bien...
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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