Wentworth Miller Addiction
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Went en Italie - Mars 2008

miss miller
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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par soraya Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 21:49

Voilà le commentaire d'une des filles d'italie traduction ?

Hey Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this was the most wunderful day of our life!!! we just spend a few hours till we saw him! at first he waved out of his window and blow kisses in the wind like a child. at 1.30 he was outside, so we went in 5-person groups to him. i was in the last group and i think this was the best for nadine and me, because we had so much time to talk with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was so cute, looked so fantastic and he was such a gentleman!!! he wrote a lot for our german fan club and we asked him, if he will come to germany. and he cross the fingers and said, that he will come for sure hopefully in april or may for the bravo awards.

i asked him, if he will fly back to LA, after milan and he said yes. then his assistent said, that this tour made him very tired.

there are a lot of things, that i could tell, but my brain is still empty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for sure, this was the best fan meeting in europe. this also said a fan, who was also in paris. she said, that we all could be so happy, that this things happenend to us, because it was so nice and intimitate, to talk with him. i guess, we where there for about 15 or 20 minutes, i don´t know, but it was a very long time. we made lots of pictures and a video. a few of them you can see here in a few minutes http://wentworthmiller.de/thread.php?postid=9681#post9681 and we have a ling video, which you can see maybe friday night.

@adi: i feel so sorry for saying this, but i totally forgot to ask him, if he recieved your letter. but i´m for sure he did, because he said, that he got lots of letters, which made him very proud! HOPE YOU´LL FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *shame on me, but at this moment i can´t think anything*

Then another woman told him, that we just came from germany to milan, just to see him. this was freaking him out and he looked at us and said."Really?????!!!! That´s awesome!!"

And then i gave him his favorite book "where the red fern grows" for singning, and he was so impressed, to see this book, he was so glad to see this and said:"Wow, wow, how wunderfull!!!!!"

He wrote into this book"A great book for a great fan!"

well, this was the best thing, that ever happened into my life and this video is so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there is a lot of stuff to say, but girls, i have to go out to milan for drinking now, because this was a very PERFECT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry again adi
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 39
Localisation : Cergy (95)
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2007


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par soraya Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 22:11

Les premières photos chaleur!!

Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Kmailand048kopiezl8sq6.th Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Kmailand103kopietk3ac2.th Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Kmailand105kopiexe8nv6.th

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merci à tessa

Dernière édition par soraya le Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 22:28, édité 1 fois
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 39
Localisation : Cergy (95)
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2007


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par jesswent Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 22:18

j'aime beaucoup la derniere lettre, elle me parait bien crédible. on reconnait notre went tout craché. enfin il va pouvoir retourné chez lui demain, il est si fatiguer le pauvre. (décalage, avion, promotions et surtout son rhume) il a bien mérité son repos.

shocked happy content siffle enfin des photos, il est toujours aussi bien comme d'habitude. meme si sur 2 photos il a le regard qui louche. en tout cas le décor ça fait tarzan et jane. heart

merci encore.
WEM-III désintox' failure

Age : 41
Localisation : dans les pensées de wentworth
Date d'inscription : 04/04/2007


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par stien93 Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 22:30

il porte magnifiquement bien le pantalon de derrière ça devait lui faire un très jolie C.. LOL

Merci Soraya :-)


Juste un petit mot sur la fan qui compare leur rencontre avec les autres rencontre lors de la visite en Europe de went .
je trouve cela dommage ( mais elle doit être jeune??) a Paris je n'y étais pas hélas, chacun a vécu son moment avec lui et c'est ça le plus important .

Pour cette fan, à Paris c'est went qui est venu voir les fan rien avait été organisé, apparemment avec le temps went s'organise de mieux en mieux pour rencontrer c'est nombreux fan c'est bien pour tout le monde tongue : :

Dernière édition par stien93 le Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 22:46, édité 1 fois
WEM-III confirmé(e)

Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par TITIFANTA Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 22:36

:merci Soraya

J'adore ........ omg omg il est magnifique sur les photos ...... smack smack .... j'adore sutout la 3ème où il se pince les lèvres bave bave

:turn: smack :turn: smack :turn: smack :turn: smack :turn: smack
WEM-III tatoué(e)

Localisation : FELEE évadée de chez Lustucru
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2007

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par wentworth-addicted Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 22:43

Encore Merci Soraya pour tout ca !

J'ai plus de souffle
evanoui evanoui evanoui
Jsuis I love you Embarassed heart Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 94141 :luvu: :coeur :coeur2 :biggrinlove: :happycoeur coeur3 :rosyheart: " TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH HIM " I love you Embarassed heart Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 94141 :luvu: :coeur :coeur2 :biggrinlove: :happycoeur coeur3 :rosyheart:

Ce que les Fans allemandes ont vecu devait etre ...WoUaHH bave2 quand elle cite ce qu'il dit , j'ai l'impression de le voir faire les petites mimiques qu'il fait avec sa bouche et son sourire de dingue ..en tout cas pour le "Wow, wow, how wunderfull!!!!!" Si c'est le meme que celui qu'il m'a fait apres avoir regarder mon T-Shirt ..Ba jpeux vous assurez qu'elles vont s'en souvenir {{{ hot }}}

En tout cas , trop bonne idee le livre de Wenty sigh
Sa reponse est .. INCROYABLE !!

Une chose est sure , il ne cessera de m'impressionner !!

Bon retour a L.A Wenty ! calin
Faut qu'il se repose notre Chouchou I love you


WEM-III Addicted Forever

Age : 31
Localisation : Au Paradis depis le jour ou j'ai croise son regard , depuis le jour ou il m'a serre fort contre lui
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2006

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Invité Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 22:47

Les photos sont magnifique (enfin c'est Wenty qui est magnifique)
Merci!!! :merci


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par pb-addict Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 22:55

merci pour les photos et le témoignage!
Décidement c'est vraiment un mec bien, très respectueux de ses fans à qui il essaie de consacrer le plus de temps possible...
TRop fort la signature " great book for a great fan"!
Je suis un peu triste de savoir qu'il quitte l'europe pour retourner sur son continent.. J'espere qu'il repart avec pleins de bon souvenirs :) et qu'il reviendra vite nous revoir !
WEM-III innocent(e)

Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 27/12/2007

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Invité Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 23:10

SUPERBES photos, et ce n'est pas le meme décor-----> milan il fait du soleil et paris il pleut, qu'est ce qu'il va penser de la france?! qd meme lol


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Invité Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 23:26

Mercie!pour les photos


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Marix Jeu 20 Mar 2008 - 23:39

Merci pour les photos heart

je le trouve trop beau sur celle là hot sigh
Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Kmailand085kopievm7

Par contre, went, les pulls comme cela , ça ne se fait plus paf sarcastic :lol:
Irrécupérablement WEM-III

Age : 47
Localisation : Var
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2007

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par brookmiller Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 0:03

Merci pour les photos soraya

il me laisse sans soufle tellement il est beau drunk girl

WEM-III innocent(e)

Date d'inscription : 14/03/2008

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Invité Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 0:05

Merci beaucoup pour ces photos. Elles sont superbes : Wentworth, le soleil, l'Italie ... excellant x3


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par nidith Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 0:36

cool Purée, ce mec est trop classe! Rien à dire!
... A part... smack calin

Et puis vous aussi, les minettes qui postez tout ça, vous assurez!!! :bisous bravo :merci
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 48
Localisation : BdR - France
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2008


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Invité Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 1:27

Il a l'air fatigué mais trop mignon sur les photos!!!!!


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Invité Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 2:12

jte suis ma puce !!! happy
si tu part je part ac toi!!
en route pour de nouvelles aventures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol :lol:


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par angel_steph Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 2:34

Mon coeur chavire à chaque fois que je le vois!Merci Pour tout!! Il est sublime!! heart :iliveyou
WEM-III fossilisé(e)

Age : 31
Localisation : Avec Went..
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2007

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Invité Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 3:52

Magnifique les photos. L'Italie a l'air de mieux lui convenir que la Suéde. Le soleil et la douceur de vivre italienne sans doute. tongue ....J'aurais du prendre l'avion pour Milan, moi. :rire2:


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par ladiuvernuà Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 4:57

coucou tout le monde!
ben moi j'en reviens de Milan...
debout à 6 heures mat ce matin, hier, heu je sais plus... j'ai perdu le compte.... train et tout et tout...
évidemment depuis Florence c'était largement jouable.
et c'est bien vrai!
il s'est mis à la fenetre, et nous a appelé pour nous faure coucou!
et puis par petits groupes on est allés (dans l'ordre) lui serrer la main, se faire faire les autographes, la photo, re-serrer la main...
le plus drole dans tout ça c'est que c'est lui qui remercie!
il éppèle le prenom pour etre sur de l'écrire comme il faut...
et quand il parle... ah... sa voix...
et quand il vous regarde dans les yeux...

une expérience mystique!

au dodo...
je tiens plus debout.
puis j'ai des reves è faire moi!
à bientot!

Localisation : Florence...Italie
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2008

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par FallingStar Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 6:40

Ma douce Ladiuvernuà, je suis si heureuse pour toi que tu aies pu le rencontrer ! supercontent
Alors il vous a bel et bien interpelés depuis sa fenêtre ?!! shocked
Mais c'est le monde à l'envers !
Il est vraiment trop :coeur2 , notre Chouchou !
Reviens vite nous en dire plus et partager quelques belles pics si tu as pu en prendre...


Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Invité Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 9:29

MERCIpour ces photos c'est un régal pour les yeux SORAYA franchement tu as assuré pendant tout le periple de chouchou en Europe bravo super kiss

ET PUIS WENT BON RETOUR CHEZ TOIet puis si l'idée de revenir nous voir te prenais refais un petit crochet par Paris cette fois je viendrais te voir :salut


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par soraya Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 9:47

Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Dsc01179jr9.th Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 P1010194eb4.th
commentaire de fan

I'm dead this afternoom....kiss him, touch him, talk to him, look at him, OMG!
I know you want to see all the pics, and video, and read story, but I need more time girls! Between this evening and tomorrow we'll post all the rest!
I can say he's really really beautiful, and very kindly. He looks good, not sick. His eyes....his fingers...his hands, his voice, OMG!!!!
No smell of lemon, only HIS SMELL. God....I never forget it.
Today, the girl in Paris pics (not Pam, the other) was here in Milan too. Maybe she's his assistant.

A fan report from ladiuvernua@ IMDB.

hey, y'all!
just wanted to share...
I just came back from Milan...
and YES! I was there too.
and YES he's everything everyone says about him.
and NO, I don't have pictures YET because I'm old school and I have to have the film developed.
there were some 30 /40 of us there and he took the time to sign everything we wanted him to sign (the girls from Germany had a PILE of pictures and he signed them all...)
took the time to have his picture taken with each and everyone of us...
and YES I am still shaking...

and believe it or not, y'all were "with me" when it happened, because he's such a great guy, I just would have wished y'all to be there too...

Ok I've been up like 20 hours now...so details are a little bit blurred.
I'll do my best.

1./ I'm still shaking.
2./ I know this is going to sound like a stupid broken record, but:
- he is really, repeat reaaly, I mean REALLY good looking
- eyes are more green than blue
- he is really nice, he took the time to sign all the autographs we wanted, and there were girls who had piles of pictures
- then stood next to you with HIS HAND ON YOUR SHOULDER *faints* *faints* *faints* for your accomplice to take the picture. And stood there for as long as it took, especially since the accomplice was shaking herself and...
- then THANKED YOU for all this - are you kidding me???????? I'm the one who will be eternally in your debt, and for ever your slave!!!!
but of course you didn't say that!
and there were like 40 of us, and treated each and everyone of us with the same patience and kindness, all smiles...
we were supposed to meet him 5 at a time, and at some point he was leaving cos' he/the assistants thought all of us had had their turn
I was in the last group, risking to see him just walk away, but when he realized we were still waiting for our turn, even though some assistant was rushing him away, he came back.
Thanks for the Girls from the German fan club for chasing him!!!!!!
otherwise I'd probally be here crying if it wasn't for THEM!!!
- he's tall
- his voice is... ah well.... *faints*
- and compare to us who were pretty much shaking and nervous and excited (but not excessively), he was so completely calm...
and the most wonderful thing, again, is that he took the time... for each of us.
I wonder how many people do that...

and YES, I consider myself really, really lucky.

Here's some more from ladiuvernua@IMDB. She actually goes into quite a bit of detail and describes how he laughed and laughed when he was waving to them out the window:

1. THE WINDOW CALL IS NOT TRUE. TELL ME IT'S NOT HAPPENED!!! Went did call his fans on tthe street, said hello and blew them a kiss???? How many Went is into Went????

it did happen, it did!!!
it was so funny, because he was laughing and laughing!!!
nobody was really paying attention to the windows at that moment.
but the only way to cath our attention was to call us.
the waved a lot (with those huge hands)
but for us, it was so unexpected that we were a little bit shocked!
that was "FunnyWent".
we had plenty of"SeriouWent" later on.

2. I was now lurking at other sites and a girl in FCoWM, wrote this the brunette of Paris was there. Is she her stylist - if she is more it's off the boundry to ask, ? Because since PAris Went's is wearing better.

I have no idea!
The only assistant I saw was the Italian one who was taking care of the schedule.
But I suppose he does have someone taking care of his clothes...
point is, if he's off marrying a French stylist.... I AM GOING TO COMMIT SUICIDE. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW.

3. Read too, THANKFULLY he didn't scent lemon. TRUE?

no lemon - nothing


I wanted to - I REALLY wanted to - but there was very little time. And I dind't find the right moment.
I know, you kiiiiill me!!!

you know what??? I kind of feel guilty too!!!
ain't that stupid?
because I feel all of you should have been there with me.
I can't, still can't believe, I was there.

I'll do my best...
but I was so upset sometimes i feel like I had an hallucination, and none of it happened really

1. What was he wearing?
dark blue V neck woolen sweater (fitted),white shirt with very light pinstripe check design, pants were darkish grey, fitted.
as per pics on the link you posted.
(general note: he's a lot slender looking in real life than he is on pictures and on tv.)

2. Did you see the snark, brood or were you simply blue-steel'd?
Blue steel'd all the way. Extremely intense gaze - intimidating (OK I was so totally shaking that anything made me nervous)

3. Did he have on a beanie?
but I really do think his hair was too short.
Ah well, I like him better with 1.5cm hair on his head

4. Did you see signs of a fffffttttt, withdrawal?
nothing obvious. But I suspect he's on a authentic Italian Espresso detox cure.

5. Did you catch his scent?
None whatsoever

6. Did you TOUCH HIM?
shook hands - huge, enormous long beautiful hands
and he rested his right hand on my right shoulder while my accomplice was taking the picture. Come to think of it it was more him touching me than the other way around [[bigeek]]

7. If so, please go in depth about the touch?
see 6.

9. Was his voice sexy/smart, sexy/dark & smooth or a combination?
sexy, soft, soothing, calm, low, deep

10. Did he let out that laugh of his (you know...head tilted back, mouth wide open0?
no, but he smiled really a lot! really. and not because he had to, but because he wanted to. it was really genuine.

11. Did he appear shy or assertive?
shy, definitely shy.

12. What exactly did he say?
well, as I walked towards him (my turn for the 5mn torture)he said "Hi"", then OF COURSE, I said something stupid (classified) to which he replied "Don't be", then he asked my name, spelled it out loud for me just to make sure he was writing it right, I corrected him on the final, he repeated the correction, then (after pictures were taken and more shaking went on) he held out his hand and said "thank you".
he problably said more things too but I was so upset that I only caught half of it.

at some point he said something like (talking to another person) "hopefully in April, cross your fingers..." while indeed crossing his fingers!! and I assume he was answering a question about the new Prison Break season.
But I didn't catch it all, because he does really speak with a very low voice!

now please, HAVE MERCY!
I promise promise to come back tomorrow
but Ireaaly need to go to sleep now!! 3:30 AM now here!
and if you want to see pictures I need to get up early to take them to the store.
I told you girls, and boys, I'm old school. No digital camera here.
(and he noticed BTW!!!)

love y'all!

Hi all
Call me Vivi
I have loved this site ever since I found it a few weeks ago. My best friend moved to Tel Aviv with her family several years and on our weekly chat, she mentioned that my favorite was coming to stay at the hotel she works at. She knows I absolutely love him and unbelievably she had no interest in him or the show until she saw him in person! Now she is all about him, thinks he is the best thing ever since she has met him. Anyway, she is not so into sites or the net but I have been keeping her updated on our Went's trip across Europe and today she told me that while he was in Tel Aviv, he did something similiar!!
Adi, I was really happy to rush here and tell you about it as I know you felt bad about not meeting him. Please see below, from an email I got from my friend! Sorry for length but I did not want to cut out anything important.
Yes, yes is the broadcaster here in Tel Aviv and they were all over the hotel, he must have gone up and down the elevator 20 times with the Yes people, security, who was armed and Israeli military. Everyone was really friendly with him but they were always running late to keep the schedule they had. My hotel, I think not so prepared for the onslaught of fans. Not sure if you remember coming to visit me here but they placed a guard at the front and he would not let them in. Also guards downstairs in parking but from what I hear, some got in and waited in the garage and met him that way. Also people in the hotel from our GM to guests were so excited to see him. He signed alot and took pictures all the time but people just walked up to them when they were looked rushed. Not so good.

I asked the Fox lady (I have to get her card) who was very nice and smiley if I could have an autograph when he is not busy and she said of course and every time she passed by, she said she had not forgotten and she would make sure. This was Wed in the morning I asked. I worked from 8:00 -6:00 or so and they had a room just down the hallway where all the interviews took place, so I saw him alot and V he is just about the most handsome man I have seen that close, the tv does not do him justice. You were so right, just killer!

I got him just after he did the online thing, ok wait got her name, Pam Jackson, she is a director at 20th Century Fox, she gave my boss her card, she comes to me and said, He is going up to nap, but it would be a good time to meet him. I wanted to put on some lipbalm and test my breath and make sure I had no food in my teeth but it happened so fast, she took me by the hand to him as he was walking over. She even remembered my name and said how patient I had been watching him walk back and forth and he smiled so sexy (very green eyes) and said Hello (sorta deep and soft) and I think I went blind, deaf and dumb, the rest was a blur. He asked me to spell my name and where I was from, when I said Santa Monica, he looked surprised. It was quick but not being much of a fan, I just had nothing to say. I felt all warm ya know. Then he was off to nap.

She came down a bit later to go the front desk and I was checking out, she said they had an event to go to that he was resting up for. I thanked her and said I felt really nervous meeting him and she said, she understood and that he really is a sweet and normal guy and I said and very handsome and she laughed and said, No he is sorta homely and she burst out laughing and said she was kidding, that he is indeed gorgeous inside and out. I didn't know exactly who she was or what she did then, you know I am the curious type, so I just asked her and she said she supports Prison Break internationally and makes sure the show does well by promoting it around the world and the visit was to do that since it was a big hit in Israel and after they were on to France. Sort of what my dad does for Cocoa Cola! tee-hee!

I don't think she mentioned Sweden or Italy. I think she is sending my boss a prison break t-shirt. So she is not his assistant as you say but she watches out for him because he is the show maybe, I got the feeling from watching them, they are close like friends who work together. He is very polite to her.
The next day, I see them all leaving the hotel about 8:30 in the morning as I am just getting in and they waved. Later and this is what you should know, I asked the front desk if it was true as I saw it, that Pam came down after he and security went up and she walked outside and gathered the fans waiting, about 5-6, not as many as you have told me in Europe but they had been there awhile and she took them to the fifth floor where he had a suite, not sure they got into the suite as there is a long open area there and he took pictures and talked to them for 15-20 minutes. When they came down they were all chattering like magpies, even a much older lady too.

The hotel was not pleased as they like it quiet and secure, so Pam came down next and laughing ssssh'd them and said goodbye, I think they were all ready to camp out near the elevator.
My boss must know I am telling you about it as I snaked her business card off the desk. You know she is near where we played soccer, by overland. Do you think he is there too?
I have such a bad memory for names, you recall Mr B from Chem? His security was very nice too but I did see a gun, wonder if his security was the same in Paris? Nice Israeli captain with a haircut like Wentworth, cute they could be related.

I know Israel can be scary for those who have never been here but we are in the safe area, not near the gaza as you know. Oh, they took a helicopter trip on Friday, to the old city and to Masada and I don't know for sure but left early early on Saturday, I was not in then.
The hotel has just calmed down from him being here, I know he had a cold as you say as he had hot tea a lot. He almost stayed at another hotel but we were a last minute choice, most likely due to the underground entrance.

I am glad I met him for you, when I come to visit we should go starbucking as you say. I have an autograph, not a picture or I would share it, I did not think of my cell, silly me. Next time I need a picture for my desk of my future husband that we share now!
So that is all I can recall if I hear anything else V, I will email you. So the finale have you watched it yet?
******************************************************************** :-[
So that is what my dear friend reports, he did meet a few fans in Tel Aviv. He made an effort to do it and from what I see from Europe, that is the norm for him, I am happy to hear it! I just have to find him in Los Angeles one day soon, please!
I really enjoy this site, by far the nicest one ever for our Went!
Psych'Ward VIP

Age : 39
Localisation : Cergy (95)
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2007


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Invité Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 10:34

waouh! :merci2: pour toutes ces news!!!

apparemment son escale italienne lui a mieux réussi que la suède! je trouve qu'il a meilleure mine sur ces photos. Faut croire que la dolce vita lui convient mieux!
Toujours autant de classe! :ahla

en tout cas les fans italiennes nous confirme l'excellente impression qu'il a laissé à paris...encore une fois il a fait preuve de beaucoup de gentillesse, de respect pour ses fans! c'est tellement rare je trouve!

went tu es un ange, un amour & on t'aime!!!!! heart :iliveyou smack


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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par FallingStar Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 10:43

Merci Soraya pour les photos et les premiers coms de fans qui y étaient !!!
De toute évidence, Wentworth a pris un grand plaisir à ce contact rapproché au fil de ses périgrinations à travers l'Europe.
Peut-être a-t-il ressenti quelque chose de différent par rapport à ce qu'il vit d'habitude aux states en pareilles circonstances...

En tout cas, pour nous toutes, qui n'avons pas eu le privilège de le rencontrer, ces témoignages sont du pain béni car Chouchou semble être réellement tel que le rêvons...

Despérément WEM-III

Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

Message par Marix Ven 21 Mar 2008 - 10:50

Un grand merci Soraya !!! heart

Je me tarde aussi de le rencontrer .... :coeur2

Par contre, je trouve qu'il tient mal son stylo :rire2:
Irrécupérablement WEM-III

Age : 47
Localisation : Var
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2007

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Went en Italie - Mars 2008 - Page 2 Empty Re: Went en Italie - Mars 2008

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